Yep.. for me to post here! Its been a wild month before this to say the least. We got out new cover for our snake books, Audra has started a new snake breeding business and I have been hard at work to gt everything ready for RT. And then, yesterday, we set AAD live! SOOO excited! You all have to come!But more about that in a minute.
Since its Read an E book Week, I'm giving away E books! That's right, not only am i giving away the free books we have, but to three lucky winners from this blog, I will be giving away an e book series of ours! That's right! One will get the
Dragon Elementals series (Fire in His Eyes and Deep Water) one will get the
Eververse Series ( Sugar and Sin, Silk and Stell, Frost and Flame) and one will get the
Duvall Inc Series (Wishes, Glamour, Gifts and London for the Holidays) Cool right? Well its my way of saying READ A DAMN E BOOK.. and GET HOOKED! LOL So you wanna win? Comment here What one you wanna win and why and I'll pick winners On friday right here! and about those other free ebooks Email me at
Stella@stellaandaudra.com and I'll send you Bargain by Starlight, Enjoy the Afterverse and Blood on the Harvest Moon.
Now. to show off the cover...

Nice right? We like it. Its for our soon to be out book Beyond the Vision of Dreams, the first in our Knossos West weresnake series, and its out April 13th 2009. Yes, I will be posting about it again, so never fear, but please, consider picking it up on release day, Audra and I have never been an opening week best seller and this book is so good. and UBER sexy and hot that you just HAVE to want to read it. Here is the blurby:
What do you do when the woman of your dreams shows up on your doorstep?Remy Crane, an unmated were python, has been having some extremely erotic dreams for the past week about a woman he's sure doesn't exist. Imagine his surprise when he wakes up one morning and finds the woman of his dreams standing just inside the front door of the Weresnake compound.
He recognises Chrissy Stanford as his mate, albeit instinctually only, and decides he needs to have her in his bed. Little does he know she's going to become part of his heart as well.
Reader Advisory: This book contains erotic dreams and a hot hero and heroine who turn into snakes once a month. Find out why scales are the new fur.And if your so inclined, we have an excerpt up
Also, I have a signing this weekend in Scranton PA with my girls Cat Johnson, Tilly Greene and Donna Michaels. Its a St. Pattys day theme, and I'll be bringing mint brownies with me. come hangout and eat my brownies, and buy my books. LOL.
So lets talk about AAD... and more over, the reasons WHY you should attend. For one, its a fraction of the cost of RT, and is in October. Yep. So you got almost a full year to figure it out. And, if your flying from anywhere in the continental US, it isnt that expensive to fly to either stewart or newark. Both are the closest airport. So you should come. And... we have 30 authors coming! 30! thats right! Amazing authors like
Jacquelyn Frank, Sunny, Joey W Hill, Sara Reinke, Patrice Michelle (tentative), and many others, as well as some of your favorite small press authors like myself,
Bianca, Mechele Armstrong and many others. Check out the
WEBSITE for more details, and come and be party of Romance history: a new con has emerged!
So comment here, Talk about the books, and the con, and win win win! dont forget, everyone who emails me will get free the three free books I mentioned eariler, and three commenters that post here will win a series each!
XoXo, and happy e book Week!