Sunday, April 29, 2012
AAD2013 Parties... and YOU!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Addressing the issue of PA's...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
New Release, New Promotion and New Contest!

Ahoy All!
So with the Release of Fire In His Eyes (yesterday) Audra and I have our first “New” book out in Kindle in over 2 years. While the book isn’t new per say, it is new on Kindle and that’s awesome.
So we decided to offer it for free from Friday to Tuesday on Kindle, to introduce people to our books and our world… Which is awesome for you, I mean who doesn’t like free books? Exactly!
And… We decided to start a new contest! Since the Kindlegraph thing has been started, we have been in awe of it. It’s an awesome tool and goes far to make ebooks more personal and helps to bridge the gap of reader-author. So because of this… we have come up with a contest.
Buy any of our books (or even just DL the Free book starting tomorrow) and request a kindlegraph. For ever Book you request for a kindlegraph you will get One entry in our contest. What can you win? Well…
Since it’s easy to get this done, and super fun, we figured we would do a sliding scale.
If we have between 1-35 individual entries: 25$ GC to
36-70 individual entries: 50$ GC to
71-125 individual entries: 100$ GC to
126- 175 individual entries: 150$ GC to
176- 225 individual entries: A KINDLE FIRE
Individual entries mean one kindlegraph per person counted. Multiple entries are counted as extra entries to give you better chances of winning, but only ONE (your initial Kindlegraph) is counted towards the prize given away (does that make sense?)
Now what happens if we get over 225 individual entries? Well for every 25 extra after I will add in a 25$ GC on top of the Kindle Fire… Cool right?
So… What are you waiting for?! Tell everyone, and lets get that Kindle Fire A home!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BLOODED blurb: Jessica McClain was born the only female in an all male race. The only problem is—she's no wolf. Called a curse, a witch and the Daughter of Evil by the superstitious wolves, Jessica decides to fight for her freedom, at age nineteen, the only way she can—in the ring. When she's brutally attacked right after her fight, is it enough to finally earn her freedom off Compound, or will she be forced to endure the hatred even longer . . .
(As an extra bonus the first chapter of FULL BLOODED is included!)
A little about me: I live in Minnesota, I have three kids, a husband and one bunny. FULL BLOODED is my debut novel. I’ve been writing for over 10 years, so it’s exciting to finally make my debut. I was a columnist for a local publication and wrote non-fiction for many years, but once I found urban fantasy there was no turning back. Building a world and creating something from scratch is amazing and so much fun! This is where my heart is and where I hope to continue writing.
I’d love to hear from you. My novella blog tour begins on April 11th. For a full listing of stops and more information about me and my books, please check out my website at The website is getting a face lift, due to launch sometime next week. All blog tour stops will be listed then.
Thanks for tuning in! I look forward to meeting you at the conference.
Author of the Jessica McClain series
BLOODED, Jessica McClain novella, available now, FULL BLOODED releases Sept. 11th, 2012, HOT BLOODED releases March, 2012, COLD BLOODED releases August, 2012