I know....I am last and slow. But bear with me. Things are not right in the Nightwalker goddess's realm. Oy! Remind me the next time I think it's a good idea to have family come live with me that...well, it's not!! What the heck do they stuff into these five year olds these days? Mega Energizers?? NASA should know about this kid, the way she converts food (fuel) into energy (can you hear my root ripping from my scalp?) I am on the third month of this. Also on my journey of discovery, I have come to realize I am a mean bitch, a 'wicked stepmother' of an aunt, and...you can't discipline other people's children in front of them no matter how freakin badly they need it!!
And that, my friends, is my introduction. I am a NYT Bestselling author with (GASP!! HORRORS!!!) normal real life petty bullshit problems. Tada!! I will talk about the good the bad and the ugly. I will talk about books, both mine and yours. And I will talk about charities, reaching your hand out and helping little creatures who need you to help. I am, as my father might say, a big fat tree-hugging bleeding heart (he'd tack on LIBERAL, but I don't do politics...just individual causes.)
Interested? Great! We'll get on swell together. Not interested? Then go away. We are normal crazy people here who love romance, love books, love writers and LOVE the worlds of fantasy, paranormal, the erotic and even science fiction! As far as I know, none of the women here are boring, none are conventional, and none of us take any shit.
Just like any self-respecting kick-ass heroine should!!
Hugs and Kitties
Jacki Frank
Awww I love your books Jaqui....im psyched to find this website and cant read more from you :)
Hi Jacki!
So close to Damien being out!
So excited for you!
Such a wonderful book!
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