Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Eliza waves to all

Oh! Oh! Oh! I am so excited to be here. This is the place where I get to come and talk about all the dark and twisty thoughts in my mind right? haha Just Kidding. Maybe.

Stella did such a wonderful job designing the blog and as I perused everyone's covers I started making a list. Read it, read it, read it, ooh gotta get it, read it , read it, must have it and so on. You see I love covers and I am easily influenced to buy based on one and Yowsa there are some awesome authors here!

As for myself, I write a lot of paranormal and fantasy romance on the super spicy side of things but occasionally like to shake things up with a contemporary here and there. I currently have 5 titles available with 4 more due this year so i'm pretty much hiding in my writing cave all the time.

My new paranormal witch series, Pentacles of Magick debuted last month and Book 2 will be coming out in June with 3 and 4 following in the fall. I love writing about the metaphysical with a special interest in Tarot, so you'll notice quite a few books in that area.

I look forward to some fun and fascinating conversation here and if you ever have any questions feel free to contact me anytime, I love to chat.


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