AAD has been completely sold out! We at AAD are very excited and plans and set ups are well underway!
Thank you so much for choosing AAD as your con this year, I promise to make it as amazing as you could ever want!
Now, if you wanted to go, and couldn't get in quick enough, we ARE running a Waitlist. All you have to do is go to the ticket page *Which is still on the site* and click ADD TO WAIT LIST* as soon as you do your name will be on it and if a ticket becomes available, we will contact you.

So as you probably have heard, AAD 2013 is in Savannah GA August 15-18 2013. We have some amazing authors attending already including:
Master of Ceremonies MaryJanice Davidson, and authors:
Amanda Bonilla
Erin Quinn
Yasmine Galenorn
Nancy Holzner
Leanna Renee Heiber
Lia Habel
Jennifer Estep
Amanda Carlson
Melissa Schroeder
Eliza Gayle
Cat Johnson
Diana Castilleja
PJ Schnyder
Kris Cook
Amanda Bonilla
Erin Quinn
Yasmine Galenorn
Nancy Holzner
Leanna Renee Heiber
Lia Habel
Jennifer Estep
Amanda Carlson
Melissa Schroeder
Eliza Gayle
Cat Johnson
Diana Castilleja
PJ Schnyder
Kris Cook
As you can see we have some new names already and some returning authors as well! if your interested in attending, PLEASE contact me early as we do fill up mighty quick! We are looking for "AAD Virgin" authors this year too so get the word out!
Savannah is going to have an overhaul of its programming and events, to make it MORE reader interactive and give you more parties, more prizes, more books and more AWESOME. Yes! We will have the Blogger Programming and YES! we will have the book club programming...
And for those of you attending AAD 2012, we will have the opportunity to get your 2013 ticket at the con at a substantial discount... so registered attendees stay tuned for that!
So get ready for all the awesome that is AADNOLA! I cant wait, and I know you cant either!
So freaking excited for 2013! (and so sad I couldn't make 2012 NOLA work)
So excited to be going to AAD in NOLA! My first con with such awesome authors and fellow bookies! You bet I am registering for AAD in Savannah!
Sweet! I'm already making plans for Savannah!
This year is my first AAD convention. I look forward to attending 2013 AAD. Sounds great.
Hi Stella! You said "We are looking for "AAD Virgin" authors this year..."
I would love to be one of your virgin authors next year. I have the first of three dark paranormal romance books releasing June 2013 through Entangled Publishing. Not sure how to get a hold of you though to discuss things. You can email me if you'd like:
gina.maxwell (at) rocketmail (dot) com
How do I purchase a 2013 ticket if I was unable to get a 2012 ticket before they sold out?
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