Friday, December 16, 2011

Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop

Thank you for visiting our stop on the Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop. This giveaway is now closed.

Congrats to LibraryLady on winning the AAD prize package!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

AAD 2012 in New Orleans is filling up incredibly fast. We're taking a breather from planning and preparations to celebrate the holidays and wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

In the meantime, Authors After Dark is pleased to offer this prize pack as part of the Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop. Included is an exclusive Authors After Dark tote bag and various print books and swag from the fantastic authors of AAD 2011.

To enter to win, please leave a comment and let us know what's at the top of your holiday wish list. This giveaway is open to international entries.

Also, remember to visit the Contests page to enter to win the Grand Prize!

Thank you for visiting us on the blog hop. Have fun and good luck in the other giveaways!


Jewel said...

The first thing on my wishlist is a kindle. I've never had a reading device & so I would love one.

Also I have so many books on my wishlist, getting one of my favorite books would be awesome.

Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Holidays!

jewel4jay AT hotmail DOT com

miki said...

Thanks you for this giveaway and fabulous prize ( and international thanks you so so much)

on top of my wish list is " the bite before christmas" from Jeanie frost. This year my wish list is all books ^^;;

all the best

happy holidays


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. The top of my wish list is all the Twilight books on audio. Please enter me in contest.

Jeremy said...

Fantastic Giveaway! A new android smart phone is at the top of my Christmas list this year.

romancebookjunkiesdanielle at

buddyt said...

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

Much appreciated.

Please enter me.

Because things are a bit bad at the moment with the economy, I am hoping for fairly simple gifts.

I would like a new mattress for my outside lounger and a replacement for our blender which is about to give up the ghost.


Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

JoanneR said...

I'm hoping for a Kindle this year! Thank you for the chance to be introduced to you and your work and for the great prize offering!

Jessica Hansen said...

I hope that my kids by be thankful for what they get from "Santa" this year. Though I think my 9 yr old will be disappointed when he doesn't get his Kindle Fire LOL

Jessica @ Taking It One Book


CrystalGB said...

A wireless printer and book gift cards. :) Thanks for the great giveaway.

BLHmistress said...

On my wishlist, is a kindle but I have several books I would love to have one being Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione.


Unknown said...

My top wishlist item for the holidays is more time off from work, but since I'm not going to get that (LOL!) I would be happy with some new books, sweaters and the panini maker I asked for.

Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Holidays to everyone.


Library Lady said...

One of the things, besides books, that is on my wishlist is a new bookshelf. My others are overflowing!
Merry Christmas!
adsanders77 at gmail dot com

SacredmOOn said...

I wish for a new case for my new Kindle Touch. I also have pages beyond pages of books in my wish-lists. WoW! What a totally awesome giveaway(s). Thanks so much for the chance! Cheers! DeAnna Schultz

Nedraw said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I really want a Nook for Christmas. I don't have an e-reader yet and can't wait to get one.

Happy Holidays!

deanna_boocock said...

Top gift is a new serger and santa knows exactly the one I want!

wanda f said...

Gift cards for books are at the top of my list.

Ashley said...

Besides the obvious (all the books on the TBR list, LOL), I would like a new couch.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays! At the top of my Christmas wishlist is a Kindle, then comes books, so many of them I can't remember all the names of them. I hope you get what is at the top of your wishlist.

Emily Tardy said...

An e-reader! With lots of ebooks already on it... and gift cards to buy more books =D

Ronda Tutt said...

wow, the top of my wish list is to get an e-reader, I'd love to have a Nook Color or Pad, or even a Kindle Fire. Right now I use a lap top to read and it is heavy. I'd love to have a room full of books or a e-reader full of books to read.

the second thing on my wish list is for every member in my family and every friend I meet have a very Merry Christmas, for them to be safe, and happy.

Merry Christmas
Ronda Tutt

Anonymous said...

The first thing on my list is a ring or a Kindle.
Thanks for awesome giveaway and Happy Holidays!!!!

donnas said...

The first thing on my list is a new phone.

Awesome giveaway! AAD sounds like a ton of fun.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Falcata Times said...

Top of my list is an E-Reader. This is purely as I could get more books from places like Australia and America/Canada as theres loads I'd like but can't read at the mo.

Anne R said...

My christmas wishlist includes a new Ipod and a new camera. I only hope I have been a good girl for Santa.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway & Merry Christmas!

JeanMP said...

First thing on my list is a new Citizen watch, would be nice to get gift cards for books!

Happy Holidays!

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Grace Fonseca said... many good prizes. I would love to have these awesome print books. Great prize.

desitheblonde said...

wow can i have the goodies i do collcet the authors stuff i got my wish my little brother send me 9 11 bear collection it ws given to the men of police dept and i got one now and it will be in my collect wo ho
desi the blonde i like to get the twitlght series books

books4me said...

Holy cow, batman! What a great giveaway!

At top of my list this year is seat covers for my car! Despite it being a new car, I HATE dirty seats!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

My christmas wishlist includes a nook and since my family knows that I love books, just not which ones I would want gift cards are also on my list.

~Heather F.

Nay Nay said...

Happy Holidays!

The top of my list is a new e-reader.

Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize!

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

StacieD said...

A Kindle Fire is on the top of my list. I also have a long list of books on my list. Thanks for the giveaway!

geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

Lolarific said...

Top of my wishlist? Anything. Our anniversary was the first week of Dec. and I got a new set of pots and pans a=so I'm not looking forward to having anything to unwrap on Christmas day. But as long as my children are full of smiles and happiness, I think that's the best Christmas present I can get!


SmittenWithBadBoyHeroes said...

an iPad! top of my list!! fabulous giveaway!

Emily said...

Gift cards for Kindle books always top my list. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

whatbookisthat at gmail dot com

Ramblings of a Part time Druid said...

The thing im wanting most on my wishlist is the chance at a second chance with the love of my life. i miss him so much..

Irene Jackson said...

What I really want besides books,books and more books is a lovely warm pair of boots, we are going to have a very cold winter here in the UK this year!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Allison W said...

I wish for a new phone, and lots of books of course!

AsianCocoa said...

I would like a dedicated e-reader for Christmas.
Thanks for the giveaway.
asiancocoa94 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to have some type of e-reader..I'm really not too picky :) Thats pretty much on everyones list !! LOL!! This is the best giveaway here!! Thank you so much!!

Anne said...

Thanks for participating in the hop. At the top f my list is an ereader of any type (or tablet).

KimberlyFDR said...

The top of my wishlist includes a Kindle and (as of this morning) it looks like I may get it!

mrsworldwidewebb said...

At the top of my list is a new camera or books.. I love taking pics and reading....


aka Kathy :)

BlackwaterMama said...

My top wishlist item is an IPad. That way I can read books and play games. Merry Christmas Everyone!
jlkg102961 AT yahoo DOT com

Helen said...

I want a new ereader
helldog3 at

Gena Robertson said...

I want an Ereader that can read all Ebook formats. But since my stove died last month, my new stove was my Christmas, so it will have to wait. It is what it is. At least I can still read them on my computer =)
Thank you so much for your generous giveaway! And for participating!

Happy Holidays!

Gena Robertson

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

Thanks! I REALLY want a kindle or Nook for Christmas...


June M. said...

What a fabulous prize! Thank you sooo much!

I would love to have a Kindle Fire but that is not going to happen this year so I would love some gift cards to help support my book habit. Have a wonderful, safe holiday season.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

mcv said...

What a fabulous prize you are offering! And I don't have to stand on my head! LOL.
Of course I want an ereader and gift cards so I can read all these fab books.

Juana said...

Thanks for the generous prize!

On top of my Christmas list is a nice Desk Lamp.


Michelle Bledsoe said...

I wish for books,any kind, or gift cards to buy
That's all I wish for for me.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

mariska said...

an E-reader :) really need to have one :)

and more new books !

uniquas at ymail dot com

Anna said...

The first thing on my list is a Kindle which I'm desperately longing for! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Tiffany Drew said...

On the top of my wish list is new clothes. I haven't gotten any new clothes in a few years and I am in serious need. I've been dropping hints for months so hopefully someone picked up on them lol.

Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays :)


Linda Henderson said...

Thank you for the excellent giveaway. I hope you have a joyous and safe holiday season. At the top of my list are some new blankets and flannel sheets. I live with my youngest daughter and her family now, I lost my home in the May tornado, and my son-in-law keeps the house colder than I'm used to. The blankets and flannel sheets would come in handy.

seriousreader at live dot com

Savannah said...

Top of my list is a Barnes and nobles giftcard

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

The thing at the very top of my X-mas wishlist is a ticket to AAD, but it looks like that is a present I'm gonna have to get myself. It will be so worth it. :)

I'm also hoping for a Kindle Fire.

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
missie at

Jeanette J said...

The main thing I want is the new Stephen King book

Penny Kathleen said...

Thanks for the giveaway! At the top of my list is a Kindle Fire!

Happy Holidays!


Shadow said...

Books and gift cards. I want the gift cards to go get all the books i want. lol Ive found so many new authors and im dying to try there books. ;) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I see a few of my favorite authors in there. ;D Thank you! Happy holidays!

Eva said...

An iPad, more books and lots of chocolate! :)

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!

bossu49 at aol dot com

Meghan Page said...

My first item is an ipad or kindle fire or nook tablet!!! any E-reader will do actually!!

Thank you!

meghan_L_P at hotmail dot com

Shawna Thomas said...

I'd love a new laptop. I gave mine to my teen. She loaned it to my son and he dropped it. No more laptop. But now that you mention it, I'd love any of the Larissa Ione books too. : )

Happy Holidays


Melissa Haggerty said...

Thank you for this great giveaway! The thing I want the most is a tablet or a Kindle.


latishajean said...

What a great giveaway thank you very much! I just want some books on my wishlist or a giftcard for books!
Happy Holidays to you!
Latisha D

Kim S. said...

Oooo, an ereader of course! ;) And some books in/on it.

Happy Holidays to all!!

thewildtwo {@} sbcglobal {DOT} net