Wow, I can't believe that it's only ten days until the release of Tane's story :) I'm not sure if it's been the rocking weather, or just being piled under deadlines, but I somehow missed the last of summer and most of the fall!! Now Thanksgiving is almost here, my boys are headed home from college and I scrambling like mad to do a little last minute shout out for Devoured by Darkness :) I'm still hoping I can make it to AAD this year (I'm waiting for final tuition costs to come rolling in :((( And I would love to be able to join the fun. Until then I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving and that you're time with friends and family is blessed.
Oh, I hope that you have a yummy stack of TBRs by the bed to keep you warm as the cold weather settles in!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I LOVED this Alex... (yes I read the Arc you sent for AAD... LOL, you thought i wouldnt? Seriously?)
It was amazing... and now I'm waiting most patiently for Cain's book... LOL.
Stella, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Alex! Congrats on the release!
I just finished Devoured and LOVED it. The problem is I am always impatient for the next one.
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