Monday, March 9, 2009

Come One! Come All!

Howdy! I have soooo much to tell you! I am having a party! Allow me to officially introduce to you the Authors After Dark Event! This will be a fabulous private party with you, the readers, and us, your favorite paranormal writers! That's what makes this weekend so's all paranormal and it all going to be great fun! We're going to have a Candy Shop Pajama party the first night, and a dinner and a masquerade the next! We'll be blowing out both nights with a DJ and dancing and you will be rubbing elbows with all your favorite authors the whole time!

I know there are a lot of events out there these days, and I know the economy is making things rough, but if you want to spend a fun weekend with us we promise you won't regret it. And besides, we're having an author signing event you won;t want to miss where you can get your books signed by favorite authors like Sunny, Rosemary Laurey, and, of course, me! The registration is as fair as we could make it and we got a real cheap room rate for hotel rooms considering it is going to be during the fall in beautiful upstate NY.

All of the information is on the site when you follow the link. So is the paypal button you can use for quick and convenient registration. If you don't like paypal, no worries! We have instructions for that as well! :)

I really hope to see you there. I love nothing more than meeting my readers, and I am certain the same is true for the other authors. And hey, maybe you'll be introduced to some you didn't realize were out there!

Now for new business. Or rather, old business! I realized recently that I promised a copy of Ecstacy, signed, to one of my commentors on the blog before my surgery. Well, you can imagine why I forgot about it, but it's still no excuse. I wanted to let you know that I have chosen a winner! Marni, I know you are a Kindle gal, but would you like a paperback book signed from me? Send your name and address to me at

As for the rest of you, I just got in a BIG box of RAPTURE ARCs!! I am going to give away two of them. One to one of the commentors on the AAD blog, and one to one of the commentors on my home blog. Best let me hear you all! What do you think of my party? Whose coming? Anything you want to say!

See you soon!
Hugs and Kitties


Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick Me! I am fairly faint at the thought that I might be able to receive an ARC. I've never even seen an ARC before. Plus I am ready to read Rapture right NOW!


Anna said...

I so wish I lived in NY!! LOL!


Dannyfiredragon said...

Hi Jacki,

did I read surgery? Hope you are okay now. Looking forward to see you again in Orlando.

The_Book_Queen said...

I wish I could join all of you for the amazing party, but I'm afraid I'll have to skip this one... NY is just too far for me, especially right now (money's tight, and I've been really busy..) However, I'm sure everyone that goes is in for a wonderful time!

Ooh, I'd love to read RAPTURE! I've been dying for more of your amazing books. Still a bit sad that the Nightwalker's series is over, but oh well. I can always reread and now I have a new series to get excited about as the series expands!

Hope that you are doing well, now that your surgery is a little ways behind you. :D Just remember, your fans love you!


Lori Ann said...

I hope you have been doing well since having your surgery.

That party sounds totally fun. I hope everyone who gets to attend has a blast!

icia said...

I think the party will be grrat. I just wish I lived closer, so I could come. icia

Anonymous said...

I would loveto come to the event, I hear NY in the fall is beautiful, maybe I can talk hubby into coming :)

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Sounds like fun! I hope everyone enjoys! I'd love to win an ARC though!

I hope you've recovered well Jacquelyn!

Kytaira said...

I won't be able to attend the party but it sounds like fun! I'm so glad you are on the mend and ready to party! Maybe I'll be lucky enough to have a book to comfort me while I stay at home ;)

Pamk said...

I would love to win an Arc but upstate NY would be a little far. Don't you live in NC now. That would be closer lol. Hopefully i'll see you at raw this year.

Suzette said...

Would love to go to that party! Imagine it's going to be lots of fun. As to the ARC, sing me up! Love ARC's and one from you would be great. How is the recovery going?

Leah said...

NY's so far away. I hope the party goes great though!! Make sure to take pictures!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun

Jennifer *Dragoneen* said...

Oh that does sound like fun!

We'll have to see about counting my pennies :P

I'm so glad you've come out of your surgery so well. Those setbacks were some doozies! Glad to have you back and online. ((hugs))
And who wouldn't like to have Rapture early :P

Kim S. said...


Hope your continuing recovery from surgery gets better by the day!! You're a strong woman to do what you've done.

When someone asks where I'd like to go in the world if I could go anywhere, I used to say Aruba or Hawaii, last few years it changed to RAW, now...I think I'm back to two...RAW and AADE!! But sadly, NY is close, but still too far away for me. With the Mister getting laid off before Christmas and me with no income it just won't work.

Ahhh, well...we gotta have dreams or we have nothing, right??!!!

Congrats on your future release of Rapture!

Carpathian Queen said...

I hope your recovery is going well???

Right now I'm pitying myself... Belgium - New York is just a bit too far... And hey, I can't leave hubby with the twins and big brother all weekend, can I? ;-))

But a Rapture arc would be more that welcome!!!

Lynn said...

Hey, it's Jacki!!!!!!!

Hope you are still feeling well.

If Rapture is as great as Ecstasy was, we are in for a treat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jacki! Hope that your recovery is coming along. I would love to go to upstate New York. Unfortunately the farthest I'm going this year is maybe Branson MO for a weekend. Hope everyone else has an awesome time! I would soooo luuuuve an ARC of Rapture. If it is as amazing as your Nightwalker series and Ecstasy was, I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Deb830 said...

Glad to I can't wait for the next installment in the series. I wish I could attend the Authors After Dark Event but I'll be there in spirit. Hope you are doing well after your surgury and will look foward to reading more blogs.


Heather said...

Please pick me!! I am dying to read Rapture and I would really love to win an ARC! Wish I could attend the party.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacki:

I have read a couple of your books and would love to win an ARC of Rapture. Keep up the great work!


m-dog said...

This is one of the few times I wished I lived in the northeast instead of the deep south! would love to attend the event - have read all the books to date and they are fabulous.

Ecstasy was wonderful - can't wait to see where Rapture takes us next! and ARC would be icing on the cake.

Lisa F. said...

I really want to go, but I live to far away. Sounds like a wonderful event and lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are well. I would also love an ARC!