The AAD blog hunt is underway!
So how do you win the goodie bag filled with AAD stuff? Simple. Visit the following blogs and answer this question for each blog: What is (authors name)'s AAD blogpost about?
Send your full list to info@authorsafterdark.net before the 10th of November. Please note, ONLY FULL AND COMPLETE LISTS WILL BE COUNTED TO WIN.
Bianca D'Arc
Rosemary Laurey
Madeline Oh
Georgia Evans
Cat Johnson
Leigh Ellwood
Selena Illyria
Kayleigh Jamison
Teresa Noelle Roberts
JoLynne Valerie
Only the BOLD names will have blogs. Now for the disclaimer: Contest open to US residents ONLY. Sorry guys but I'm not sending stuff overseas!
Good Luck to everyone and come and see all the awesomeness for yourself next year! Details for next years event will be made public very soon!
Only the BOLD names will have blogs. Now for the disclaimer: Contest open to US residents ONLY. Sorry guys but I'm not sending stuff overseas!
Good Luck to everyone and come and see all the awesomeness for yourself next year! Details for next years event will be made public very soon!
And the hunt is on!
I'm so ready - well, tomorrow ready - today is all about bonfires, beer, and letting the cute Englishman have his day :-)
aww man...And I was soo looking forward to this event! I'm in Canada...it's so not overseas! :(
K what i a few people never updated there blogs? do we just wait and hope they do?
sorry didn't mean to sound rude *blushes* what I meant is " is there a time that all the blogs are suppose to be up?`
ONlY the blogs that are BOLD are participating.
OOh and Leigh Ellwood's will be updated tomorrow.
So that name will have a bold tomorrow.
maybe i'm doing it wrong then cause for ex. Jacquely Frank I get a post from Monday, September 28, 200 Is anyone else seeing something else
She hasnt blogged yet.... Busy busy.
But all the authors will have blogged by the 10th...
But she said she will have it up by midnight tonite.
oh thank you i was confused cause thone said today but then i couldn't find some other ones:) I'm such a knuckle head
ok the knuckle head is back :)
One more question am I suppose to send in the list today? It's not complete but I can't find the aad blog on a few still.
Very nice post thanks for posting.
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