Sunday, October 5, 2008

New York Times Diva!


NOAH had the most incredible run on the NYT mass market list! I went as high as number 11 this time, my highest number yet! NOAH stayed on the lists for a full three weeks. It was totally awesome. And I know I owe it all to you guys. Thanks so much for reading me and for running out to buy me on release day. You rock!!

Now, that being said, guess what I got? ARCs of Ecstasy!! Yes, they are here, advanced copies on the first book in my new series, the Shadowdwellers. OoOoooo. And I gave a whole bunch away at Lora Leigh's RAW weekend at a little private after party I held in my suite. Heh. We had a really great time. I have pictures around here somewhere...

this is me bartending in my room

These are the ecstasy ARC winners

this is me and Nalini Singh! She was so darn sweet!!

These are my forum girls! Stacy L Tracy and Westcoast girl. All the Nightwalker chicks together!!

This is my friend Anni. She mooned me outside of the costumed ball. I threw my back out and couldn't go :( but that's okay there's always next year!

This is me getting writer's cramp :P

two winnners of Ecstasy goodies, one hat and one tshirt :) It pays to come to my private party. Hehehe.

Ah! All my Nightwalker girls.
Anni, Rena, Susan, Tracy and Stacy!
That's Nalini in the corner lol.

Two Nightwalker...erm...boobs.

And that's that. :) Looks like fun huh? How do you like my kitty cat jammies? Too cool huh? Next year I'm wearing the slippers I won at Lori Foster's weekend. And you should know that I am trying to put together a weekend very much like this one together for all you guys. :) Won't that be fun?!?! We, meaning the Authors After Dark, are in the process of lining up the authors right now. You'll hear more as we go. It'll be in NY. It'll be awesome.

Anyway, I will try to blog more often. I've been writing like a madwoman though. I get very cavelike when that happens.

Oh! I almost forgot the best part!! I want to give away and Ecstacy ARC! Oh you know you want it! All you have to do is comment here today on this post and you're entered in to win. I will post the winner on my home blog tomorrow. Good luck!!

Hugs and Kitties


Anonymous said...

Hi Jacki;
Hope all is well, I am stuck in Western Canada on course for 7 months and of course I brought Noah with me to read :) Hope all is well, your friend from the North :)

Sage said...

Ah, Jacki, it looks like it was a blast!!!
I would love to be able to attend something like that at some point. Who knows, maybe someday!
And we love to hear that you are writing! That's always a plus for us!!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Lynn said...


Congrats on Noah. It was an awesome book and deserved the acclaim.

I can't wait for the Shadowdwellers.

Looks like you had lots of fun according to your pics!


Anonymous said...

Loved Noah and I can't wait for the first book of your shadowdwellers series! Thanks for for having contests! Debra Healy

The_Book_Queen said...

Hello Jacki!

I'm so upset that I wasn't able to go to RAW this year-- I looked like tons of fun!

Congradulations on Noah-- he was amazing, and you did a great job!

I cannot wait until Ecstasy comes out!

Pattie said...

Looks like shooter time there miss Cat woman... I have been a teensy sick and haven't been able to get Noah yet, BUT i WILL.. Glad to hear everything is doing so good. I just got another kitty. Makes 5 cats now. The animal hospital may not be a good place for me :) Take Care! Pattie

Kim S. said...

Hey Jacki!

Congrats on Noah!!! I can't wait to read Exstasy!

Great pics! Wish I coulda made it to Lora's RAW. Maybe some year. ;)

But...this IS the month you come to Melissa's right???? Can't wait to meet you!!


Anonymous said...

You guys looked like you had a ball!

Chris said...

It looks like you had a great weekend, I am sorry I could not make it but Carol got my books signed for me so that is something. I love the kittie jammies!

Pamk said...

WOW looks like I missed a great party. Wish I could have been there this year.
BTW I am giving away a gently used copy of NOAH on my blog since I was fortunate enough to win a signed one from you at a chat. lol You have until midnigt tonight if anyone needs a their own copy.
you'll have to scroll down to the post cause I couldn't figure how to keep it on top lol.

Pamk said...

not sure why but it cut my link off

Anonymous said...

...and lots of fun was had by all... eh? Good for you.

Will ya'll nag me if I say that, I still consider JACOB to be your best written work (to date)?

Me being the shy type an' all, it seemed to have the least amount of cover-your-eyes material. *g*

Renee' said...

Hey Jacki,

It was great to meet you at RAW, Just so you know who I am, I am the person who won the Princess necklace basket on your auction and wore the necklace to the masked ball :)


Shartyrant said...

Ack! NYC? No! NC!! That is the place to hold it (not that I am biased or anything). Hmm...never been to NY. They have publishers headquartered up there. That means...books!! Must talk husband that we should do NYC soon!

I sincerely hope you had a blast up at RAW. Congrats on NOAH and I am so looking forward to the Shadowdwellers. It looks to be awesome from the tidbits you have told us. Need....more!

Anonymous said...

I am really looking forward to the new series. I have all the NW books. Please, please I would love to win.

Anna said...

Congrats on Noah!!! Looks like you guys had a great time at RAW. I have to there one of these years. LOL!

Can't wait to read Ecstasy! :)


Unknown said...

So good to "see" you blogging again. I have turned a few of my co-workers on to your books! As the word of mouth spreads I'm sure you will climb up even higher on the NWT list.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacki, I just saw the pictures of you and the Nightwalker fans. You and I could be twins. I am a BBWSWF, Big Beautiful Woman Single White Female, and have short red hair.
I love all your books, thanks for writing them.

Hetty & Xenia =^..^= (she is my furson, lol)

whitney said...

Congrats on Noah. I know I loved it. Looks like you had a lot of fun. I cannot wait until the Shadowdwellers series starts. I love your other boys.
Keep writing,

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Noah doing so well :) Actually, congrats on the entire series doing so well. It looks like everyone had a great time at RAW!

Have a great weekend.

P.S. Pick me, pick me, lol. :P

Stephanie*magic* said...

Great to see ya blogging again!
RAW looked so damn fun! So wish I could of been there! Wish you were closer.
Congrats on all the success
with Noah! Well deserved! Loved the book! So looking forward to Ecstasy!
An ARC would be a dream, lol!
Your jammies are adorable!
Hope you back is all healed up!
Take care hon! *hugs*

-Steph *OJF*

Michelle said...


The weekend looks like a blast...sorry I missed it. Maybe one of these times I can attend...we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a blast! I would love to go to it one day.

Anonymous said...

PICK ME! *waving* PICK ME!! *waving madly* PICK MEEEEEEEEEE! *waving w/ both hands while jumping up & down* *LOL*

Congrats on ur gr8 success w/ Noah...amazing story & wonderful end 2 ur Nitewalkers series. Looking 4ward 2 ur Shadowdwellers series.


Lyndelle said...

Hi Jacki,
Thanks for your amazing books - totally addicted!
Be great to see you in Australia one day - big convention in melbourne next Feb :)

Leah said...

Congrats on Noah. Sure looks like you all had fun.

Tabitha said...

Hey Jacki,
I loved Noah congrats on number 11. I can't wait for the shadow dwellers series. The pictures were great.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Noah, you deserve it Jacki! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. :)

I'm looking forward to reading your new ShadowDwellers series.

Dannyfiredragon said...

Hi Jacki,

long time not seen. Seems like you had a lot of fun. Hope to see you in Orlando next year.


Hayley said...

Hi Jacki,
I absolutley loved Noah and am rubbing my hands together with glee over the prospect of Ecstacy. I hate the fact that because I live in England I can't attend any of the weekends or signings I read about.

Cathy said...

Smiling, happy people! How wonderful, it looks like everyone had a great time.

Looking forward to reading Extasy.

Tracy said...

Oh the pictures are great Jackie and it was so wonderful meeting you!

I DID love your pj's...very chic~! :)

I know I won a t-shirt, but can you put me in to win the book too? Pretty please?? :)

And Super Duper Congratulations on Noah's success!!!!

Karin said...

Those pictures definitely make it look like you were having fun, which I'm sure is the truth. Thanks for sharing them! :)

Stay_Cee said...

Hey Jacki!!!! Omg, I bought Noah when it came out and wow!! I loved it and can't wait to read the newest one. you are so talented and I just love your work!!!!!!

Suzette said...

Looks like ya'll had an awesome time! Wish I could have been there

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jacki, you all look like you had a great time together!! I really wish I could attend a get together such as this! I am looking so forward to reading Noah--I am a huge fan! Oh, and you mention NY for the next weekend bash---I live on LI, so I am wondering if I could possibly make your next.....Take care, Your fan forever, Nikki :)PS---can't wait for your new Shadowdwellers book!!!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Loved Noah! Sorry I missed your contest :(

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Judging from the pictures, you had one heck of a time! I'm glad!