I hope you all had a fantastic time in New Orleans and that you will be joining us again next year in Savannah, GA. I have gathered a list of all of the recaps that I have found for AADNOLA they are listed below in no particular order. Please feel free to add any other links, as we'd love to hear what you thought of the convention regardless if you are an author, blogger, or reader!!
Wishing you all the best.
PS: Don't forget that Midnyte Reader is doing a Reading Challenge through the end of the year. Check out the details here: http://midnytereader.com/2011/12/authors-after-dark-2012-reading.html there are a lot of featured authors that attended this year that will be in Savannah next year :)
Red Hot Books (about bloggers): http://www.redhotbooks.com/2012/08/aad-bloggers.html
Julie from Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks: http://yummymenandkickasschicks.com/?p=14756
Mama Kitty: http://mamakittyreviews.com/?p=4274
That’s What I’m Talking About: http://www.twimom227.com/2012/08/aadnola-recap-and-giveaway-part-1.html
The Obscured Vixen: http://obscuredvixen.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/aadnola-day-3-contemporary-panel/
All the Fun Starts After Dark: http://allthefunstartsafterdark.blogspot.com/2012/08/highlights-from-authors-after-dark.html?spref=tw
Vampire Book Club: http://vampirebookclub.net/authors-after-dark-new-orleans-highlights-photos-and-signed-giveaway/comment-page-1/#comment-18417
Books of Love Blog(photo recap): http://livredeamour-booksoflove.blogspot.com/2012/08/authors-after-dark-new-orleans-2012.html
Lit Stack: Guest Post: Tee Morris on Authors After Dark and
Shattering an Author’s Comfort Zone: http://litstack.com/?p=8721
Sydney Bristol: http://sidneybristol.com/2012/08/15/authors-after-dark-recap/
Leanna Renee Hieber : http://leannareneebooks.blogspot.com/2012/08/authors-after-dark-nola.html?spref=tw